Yesterday i was with my friends at the coffeeshop after work. My friend is all fired-up by the idea of becoming a Millionaire, telling me that he was approched by his friend explaining him about the network marketing business and he is eager to ask me and the rest of my friends to join-in. To my own knowledge and experinces there i was explaining to him about the business. Here i would like to share my thoughts to u.
Network marketing is a homebase business or i shall say its "own free time" business with a large members as your network in the market place. Taking about this, it remind me about MLM (multi-level marketing) business. There are certainly many millionaires created from network marketing and I’ve met some millionaires (my friends) in different MLM companies such as Herbalife, Mary Kay's "Avon", Tupperware, Elken and Amway. These companies is not just a selling door to door or people use to call it"selling soap" business, it looks like one but the fact is the annual income will supprise you, what more if the business also run in e-comerce.
If you want to go that route and try to become a millionaire through network marketing you have your work hard. It’s tough at the begining. Those Rich guys talk about sweat and tears, they mean it literally. It takes great patient, consistant & persistence to become a pioneer in this business industry. On the other hand, if you can stick it out for 3-5 years then you might have a chance to make it big and have millions of dollars annual pay plus bonuses. Then you'll have your own time playing golf with your business partners or going holidays with your family without worrying about jobs & salary.
Here are some tips and questions to keep in mind if you want to be a millionaire in network marketing:
Is the company over 10 years old? Is it stable? Is the financials sound? Do they have the resources to pay the several tiers of commissions? Do they rewards you fullypaid holiday trips with pocket money? Annual Bonus on annual sales achievement? Invitation for a Reconiction on stage where millions of people applause for your achievement. Do the team give you support, guide and help you to reach your goal?
What is the company focus on? Just sales? or constainly developing quality & innovative products to your clients with lots of promotions and discount.
Are the products special, something that you would personally use? Is there a big market for the products? Does the company have Reserch & Development? Where is the R&D located? Whats the quality & the certification of the products & services? How much is the start-up (business capital)? Who own the business? Does the company support, reconice you and lead you to success? or just want you to do more sales for the company.
Network marketing can’t be sustained if there’s just a bunch of sales people and no consumers the products (if the products are collecting dust in your house, then quit).
How many millionaires have the company made? If it’s 1-4 millionaires and there’s 500,000 sales reps then the chances of you becoming one is very slim.
What’s the average annual income of the sales reps in each category? How long does it take on average to advance to the next level?
How much money does it cost to become an independent sales rep with the company (supplies, materials, the start-up kit, products, etc.)?
How much does it cost to run it every month? (For example: cost of advertising, direct mail, flyers, business cards, monthly product orders, etc)
How’s the customer service? Can they be reached easily or is it a hassle to talk to someone from the company if there’s an issue?
Does the company provides training, seminars and meetings? Provies sales tools, books and tapes?
Everyone wants to be a Millionaire. Do you have a dream? What is your dream? Will you do anything just to make your dream comes true? Anything? Even sweat & Tears? When will you like to make your dream come true?
Besides these questions, ask yourself do you have the strong heart & will to do network marketing on a consistent basis until you become a millionaire?
Do you have these following characteristics?
1. Persistence & Focus
2. Patience with people
3. Not afraid of rejection, there’ll be a lot of “Nos” in this business
4. Can creatively find people to talk to and leads
5. Like talking and dealing with people
6. Have charisma
7. Have leadership skills (can you persuade your down-line to work hard to meet certain goals?
8. Can you motivate people? Be a friend and a mentor?) There are quite a few people in MLM that recruited a lot of people but can’t lead and have had their people all quit within in months or a year.
If you have the above characteristics and put in 3-5 years of dedicated full time work with a network marketing company then you have a very good chance of becoming a millionaire and being one of the success stories of the company.
Make sure that the network marketing company you choose is "Financially" stable and has good company leadership. Homebase business or Network marketing is here to stay, especially time like now the economy unstable, many big companies downsize, banks & credit companies close down, many people job retrenched, jobless, broke & bankrup. Network marketing offers low capital start-up, many people (especially in the western country) have turn into homebase business as safer option source of income. And many who did it, makes millions of dollars, and some even un-taxed.
The market will never be saturated by these internet savy type of businesses, it will always be "not enough", as long we have human beings living on this earth there will be demands. The important is the company that you join-in must have great vision, strong finance background and never stop promoting/upgrading their services and products for example change new packging & giving premiums.